Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Welcome to Amerinko Academy - A New Vision in After School Programs

And welcome to the 21st century.

We at Amerinko Academy are proud to be on the threshold of opening our first Academy. The founders, which include myself, are technology professionals and parents of school age children, who have lived through the struggles of educating their own children. After many years of trying to influence the current system to provide what we consider to be world class education, we came to the conclusion that we can achieve the same goal much quicker through an after-school program. Being technology professionals, it was easy for us to see how technology can actually help with educating. What lies ahead is the culmination of several years of thinking, research, and actual results. We think that it offers the best of breed in after school programs. We hope our future students and their parents will agree with us.

In order to see our vision come to life, we chose the best curricula that have produced excellent results all over the world, including Singapore math. This math curriculum has a proven track record of teaching both concepts and mastery of skills, which the others claim to do but struggle to provide. It also recognizes what the rest of the world already practices - multilingualism; and that the best way to accomplish it is through language immersion at a very early age.

Amerinko Academy is an after school program which takes all these ideals to their logical conclusion. Reinforcing what is learned at school with homework help, using the latest technology to accelerate cognitive ability, and providing a choice of third language, robotics, chess and martial arts to round out the student. More information is available on our webiste here.

I personally believe that a blog is a great way to express our ideas and opinions to our viewership, while leaving the door open for feedback, which may be anonymous if so desired. We will be publishing more posts as time goes, so you can follow the progress of our developments.

Again, welcome!